Release of Music Processing Suite 1.8.1

Music Processing Suite 1.8.1 was released on April 3, 2021.

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Enhanced analysis of implicit harmonies
    • New analysis feature: chord inversions are exported along with the detected chords over time (and over measures)
    • New analysis feature: chord inversion distribution
  • Analysis view enhancements
    • View now opens in the center of the IDE as opposed to the bottom area
    • Improved initial user feedback and feedback for non-plattable data files
  • Added documentation for progression graphs
  • Improved documentation for MuseScore installation


  • Fixed ClassNotFoundException when running composer
  • Fixed a bug which caused measures with upbeats not to be aligned correctly when parsing MusicXML files
  • MPS can now process non-compressed MusicXML files with file extension *.musicxml (before, the IDE only processed *.xml files)
  • Fixed handling of minor seventh chords in LilyPond export
  • MIDI files are now included when scanning corpora
  • Fixed a problem when aggregating analysis result files with time signatures