Music Processing Suite 1.8.2 was released on May 2, 2021.
MPS now features sentiment analysis of lyrics. Check out the overview plot for Every Little Thing She Does is Magic by the Police including pitch, loudness, dissonance, sentiment polarity and harmony plots over time:
New Features and Enhancements:
- Sentiment Analysis Enhancements:
- MPS can now connect to Stanford CoreNLP servers for advanced sentiment analysis
- Sentiment analysis features now include fine-grained sentiment polarities:
- very negative
- negative
- neutral
- positive
- very positive
- Enhanced sentiment analysis plots in analysis view and analysis report PDFs
- Enhancements in Analysis View:
- Duration-related axes are now logarithmic
- Curation- and beat-related axes now show fractions as labels
- Beat-related axes show regular eighth note steps
- Use simplified distributions of implicit harmonies in overview plot in analysis report PDFs
- Enhanced pie charts in analysis view to show percentages instead of raw floating point numbers
- Enhanced installation documentation
- Fixed alignment and centering of overview plot in analysis report PDFs
- Fixed encoding issue for rotated X axis labels (Windows-specific)
- Decimal separators in analysis view plots was dependent on system language, now English decimal separators are always used