Release of Music Processing Suite 1.10.0

Music Processing Suite 1.10.0 was released on January 12, 2022.

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Upgraded Eclipse platform to version 2021-12 (4.22)
  • Analysis enhancements:
    • Lyrics can now be analyzed even when distributed over multiple voices
  • Enhancements for analysis report PDFs:
    • Sentiment analysis plots now visualize durations of sentences with the corresponding start and end times
    • Sentences in sentiment analysis plots are numbered and listed below the plots
  • UI enhancements:
    • Multiple pieces can now be selected and analyzed simultaneously
    • There is now a preference to select the default score generation application (MuseScore or LilyPond)
  • Support for power chords when resolving harmonies
  • Internal enhancements, optimizations and dependency upgrades


  • Lyrics containing special characters like quotes and semicolons are now stored and loaded correctly in CSV files
  • Charts exported from the analysis view in MPS were flipped vertically. This has been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue which caused context harmonies to be chosen as key in generated scores
  • Fixed errors like java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The value '6/4' is invalid. when loading fitness function configurations containing distributions for time signatures
  • Corrected JVM command line parameter for Java 16+
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