Release of Music Processing Suite 1.8.0

Music Processing Suite 1.8.0 was released on January 31, 2021.

New Features and Enhancements:

  • Scores can now be exported to MusicXML in order to be opened with MuseScore or other music notation software
  • Scores PDFs can be generated directly in MPS using MuseScore as backend
  • Music analysis reports can now be generated incrementally (only plots with changed data are re-generated)
  • All time-dependent X axes can now have measures as unit (as opposed to absolute time). This is now the default X axis configuration.
  • Added min/max pitch plot in analysis reports
  • Replaced min/max pitch plot in overview plot with piano roll plot
  • Enhanced alignment of X axis in overview plots
  • Analysis report PDFs now have headlines containing the name of the file/folder which was analyzed
  • LaTeX files for analysis reports now contain the inlined analysis data. This makes configuration for LaTeX escaping obsolete.
  • Launch configuration are opened when created initially
  • Console is automatically shown when generating music analysis reports with LaTeX
  • Implicit harmony analysis is now enabled by default
  • Enhanced mechanisms to locate GraphViz/LaTex/MuseScore executables on various operating systems
  • Improved documentation for LaTeX installation


  • Fixed bug which caused lyrics from different verses to be mixed up under certain conditions
  • Fixed bug which could cause lyrics to be in the wrong sequence in case cue notes were used
  • Lyrics containing quotes are now processed correctly
  • Repeat alternatives are now processed correctly
  • D.S. al coda (dal segno al coda) can now be handled when expanding MusicXML files
  • Partials (anacruses) with measure number 0 are now processed correctly when parsing MusicXML files
  • MusicXML parser can now handle the file extension *.musicxml
  • Columns are now aligned/skipped correctly in overview table
  • Fixed NullPointerException during analysis when comparing time-duration-note tuples
  • Fixed FileNotFoundException when generating aggregated analysis reports for corpora
  • Tuplets endings are now only processed once (were processed twice under certain conditions)
  • Analysis view now refreshes appropriately when selecting resources from other projects
  • When running analyses without GraphViz installed, no error dialogs will be shown
  • Deactivated MusicXML key editor due to serialization issues that will be fixed in a future version
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